Friends as a gift
Understanding the nature of a friend in another perspective, of course subjectivity of personal experience. if there is justification or other views of friends, please add / correction text of this...
View ArticleSmile
Says a proverb, it takes seventeen muscles to smile and forty-three to lost if someone does not like or hard to smile. First remember his strength and the resulting positive effects; friendly...
View ArticleDecision
Inspiration from the daily routines that involve the accuracy of the decision to write a few tips that if little-a lot of help to remind the concerned personnel. especially for routine or urgent...
View ArticleEagle
Eagle is a type of poultry that have the longest life of the world. Can reach 70 years old. But to achieve the age long as it is an eagle must make a decision that is very heavy at that age to 40.When...
View ArticleVictim Blaming and Relationship Abuse
One of the Center’s main goals is to eliminate barriers and increase survivors’ access to safety, resources and support. Victim-blaming attitudes are one of these barriers and place survivors in...
View ArticleKangen Kalian
hallo teman2 Blogger saya buka kembali hobby lama ngeblog ini, silahkan abaikan tulisan blog saya dalam bahasa Inggris hasil kerja sama dengan teman2 lama. Saya mencoba membuka kesempatan baru untuk...
View ArticleHope the better things in 2021
What should we expect for 2021? Well, my guess is everything will start to feel a bit more normal—especially as the vaccine continues to roll out. But I’m not in control of the world, so how would I...
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